COVID - 19

What do you call the disease caused by the novel coronavirus? Covid-19
Hai... malam ni macam bosan je. Dah masuk hari yg ke berapa ye kita rakyat Malaysia dlm Kawalan Pergerakan disebabkan COVID-19? Mesti hampa bosan kan... telah lah. Aku pun bosan tahap gaban guys. Tak boleh pi mana. Nasib baik aku bekerja kalau tak, boleh muntah tengok dinding rumah. Tapi kan tolonglah guys jangan bantah. COVID-19 is not funny at all. It's the perfect killer lately. No warning when it comes. No signs for two weeks then after two weeks you get sick, no promises that we can recover from that virus. So sad and it's scary. So, guys... listen to the government. Our Prime Minister and the frontliners do the best all the time. We just need to listen and stay at home.

Berleter banyak pun tak guna sebabnya dekat facebook, whatsapp banyak sangat pasal COVID-19. It's serious guys. Please ! Please! Stay at home.
Stay at home awareness social media campaign and Vector Image
Wear mask if you're sick. If you're not confident, you can wear mask too to prevent the airbone-virus especially when you're at the crowded place.
COVID-19 : 10 cara cegah jangkitan - The Malaya Post
It takes time to recover from this COVID-19, maybe a year and more. Be patience, saving money for our life sake. Eat less, drink more warm plain water. Wash your hands, and do not touch your face unless you washed your hands. Me as a Muslim, prays that we can control this virus with the right actions and it's our responsibilities.


Anneyo! Do come again. XoXo

Resepi Kuih Cara

Imej yang berkaitan 
Bahan-bahan :
1 cawan air
3/4 cawan santan kotak
1 biji telur
123g Tepung
Garam dan Gula secukupnya
Pewarna Hijau Epal
Perasa Pandan
1 tbsp Minyak Masak
*blender kesemua bahan. Rest beberapa minit kemudian bakar dengan menggunkan api sederhana. 
Kalau nak guna daun pandan boleh jugak, blend dulu dengan 2 cawan air tadi ye. Tapi warna dia still x terang, kalau guna banyak sangat daun takut nanti adunan tersebut pahit sebab ekstrak daun pandan tu lebih. Pewarna dengan perasa tak boleh letak banyak nanti bila makan ada rasa payau di lidah.
Adunan atas ni boleh dapat dalam 15 ke 16 biji. Kalau 30 biji kali 2 adunan ye.

Anneyo! Do come again. XoXo

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