Me too! #wants to get marry...

 I lived for 21 years old ... for Malaysian, why do you always ask  the same question that makes me 'stuck' ... "When are you getting marry?" Please laa... stop asking that question. Yeah... I always said that I don't want to get marry... BUT, is it true ? Nabi Muhammad saw tidak akan mengaku aku umatnya jika aku menolak perkahwinan. Through this page, I announce that I want to get marry with the guy who will accept me for being a mother to his children. The most important thing that I've expected the most is to have children. I love babies in this world... but until today I did not meet no one in my life who cares about me and willing to accept me. BUT ... I always thanks to you Ya Allah it is because I kept myself at the safest place to hide. #sins Sometimes, I gave up. Sometimes, I just need someone to share my story life. I don't know what to do. Am I a bad person? When I am 14 years old... #should I story it again? When I am 14 years old... I've met someone who is very special for me until today.. once, I gave up on liking him... but he started to come in my dreams. #always... Everyday, I thinking about him... almost 7 years. Eventhough I did not meet him for 5 years... should I mention his name. Yah, okay ! He is Zul... #his full name, please~~ No !!! I hate him but at the same time he kept approaching me in my dreams. Dream not the truth right? When I made my tough decision to forget him, then later he will come in my dreams... when I starting to like another person... he came again and again. If it's real, I want to slap him... but, this is not his fault. Maybe myself keep telling me he's the one you ♥• You can't forget him. He is my first ♥ and I realized he always give me a bright smile when I remembered him and also a deep thinking time how to forget him but I lost. Thanks to you, Zul. Thank to you, Ya Allah. Such a beautiful moments I had. Last time I always ask Allah swt to make him mine. Then I thought maybe he had someone who he wants to be with... so that, I stop• Let him be happy! I have my family. Just think it positive. My dad and my mum is the first person who loving me. Then I should appreciate them... I want to stay with them forever. "Ya Allah, jauhkanlah pandangan lelaki terhadap aku." Sesungguhnya, aku takut kepada hawa nafsu syaitan." Aku ingin bahagia. One day, we will meet. Let me be a hero for my parents. #ak takut ak x mampu... sekarang aku ada ayah. Macam mana kalau.............. Ya Allah, kau panjangkanlah umur ayah dan mak. Kau berilah kesihatan dan keselamatan kepada mak dan ayah. #ak tak pernah cium pipi mak ayah... tp ak ttp nk jd anak terbaik utk mak dan ayah... ayah, mak... Raudzah minta maaf kalau Raudzah bkn anak y baik... maafkan Raudzah.

Anneyo! Do come again. XoXo

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