Selamat Malam #baca doa sebelum tidur

Hai hai hai... buat apa? Buat apa? Buat apa? Owang tengah layan The Inheritors neyy... WooBin! ShinHye, MinHo...
Daebak scene!
Waaaaaaaaaaa... he looks so cool!
Esok budak rumah kembali ke rumah macam biasa... urgh! Tak best sebab kelas nak start macam biasa balik. Cuti dua hari tak rasa apa. Huhuhu... td layan Dream High 2, best rupanya cerita tuh. Nak kena tengok nie dari mula. Nasib baik kawan buka tengok, kalau tidak sampai kesudah tak tahu yang cerita tue best.


Anneyo! Do come again. XoXo

Running Man cast heading to Australia to film #jyeah!

Daebak! Conpem WooBin dan Rain join Running Man. Yahoo! Lama tak tengok Rain, and excited for WooBin-shii! But where is JiHyo?

Running Man's Guest @Australia....
Tp, kenapa Jihyo tak perform pun untuk episod di Australia? Bukankah rugi? Anyway, I'm happy for WooBin. Hwaiting, Running Man!
Lee Jong Suk Will Not Join “Running Man” Cast in Australia
Lee Jong Suk Will Not Join “Running Man” Cast in Australia
Anneyo! Do come again. XoXo

Mana sambungan I Am Number 4? #tolong laa bagi ada.

I Am Number Four Poster.jpg
Hai... td tv3 baru je tunjuk movie nie kan? Dah 4 kali owang tengok. Kat tv dah 3 kali, laptop sekali. Hurm, owang tertanya-tanya kenapa tak ada smbungan I Am Number 4 nie? Pdhal cerita nie menarik... best laa.


The film starts off with the Mogadorians killing one of the nine remaining Loric Garde, presumably the third one. John Smith (Alex Pettyfer) is an alien from the planet Lorien. He was sent to Earth as a child with eight others to escape the invading Mogadorians, who destroyed Lorien. Here, John is protected by a Cepan, or guardian, Henri (Timothy Olyphant). Together, they live in a beach-side bungalow in Florida.

The Mogadorians, led by the Commander (Kevin Durand), learn about the nine children and come to Earth to find them. The Loric Garde can only be killed in sequence; Number One through Number Nine. Three of them have already been killed. John becomes aware that he is next while swimming in the ocean with a girl. His leg begins to glow with a sharp pain and he sees a vision underwater of Number Three, warning him of the coming danger. The girl and the other people on the beach, who recorded the event happening in the ocean, run from John. When the video and pictures surface on the internet, Henri deletes them all, gathers up his and John's belongings, and decides to move to an old farm in Paradise, Ohio. Anything not needed is thrown into a fire and the rest is packed into the back of their car, but not before a small lizard is able to crawl in along with their belongings.

The day John and Henri arrive in Paradise is a rainy day and they begin settling in to their new home. As night falls, the lizard that had made its way in to Henri's truck crawls out and in to a bush, where it transforms in to a dog. That night, Henri and John hear a loud noise outside and, upon investigation, find the dog, who is then brought inside by John. He decides to name the dog Bernie Kosar (after Cleveland Browns quarterback Bernie Kosar). The following morning, due to John's insistence, Henri allows John to go to the local high school instead of being home schooled.

His first day there, John goes to the office to receive his class schedule. While waiting, he sees a girl being scolded by a teacher in the principal's office. She had taken pictures of the teacher picking his nose and posted them online. After John is given his schedule and the girl is let off by the principal, she is asked by the secretary to guide John to his locker and first class. In this time, John falls for the girl, who is an amateur photographer named Sarah Hart (Dianna Agron). As Sarah walks away, a guy walks up to John with a couple of his friends and introduces himself as Mark James (Jake Abel). As Mark walks away, John watches him slam another boy in to the lockers and throws the boy's skateboard away. John retrieves and gives back the board. Later that day at lunch, John befriends conspiracy theorist Sam Goode (Callan McAuliffe), who is the boy who was previously pushed in to the lockers, when one of Mark's friends throws a football at Sam's head, knocking him to the ground. John helps Sam up and throws the ball back with enough force to knock Mark's friend to the ground. After this, John notices Sarah taking an interest in him, as she's taking pictures of him from a distance.

That night at home, John discovers a website run by Sarah. It contains pictures of many of the people of Paradise, including a section dedicated to himself, which he finds just moments before it is erased by Henri. At the same time back in Florida, the Mogadorians discover the burnt wreck of Henri and John's old home and determine that John was not killed in the fire.

The next day, while John is being bothered by Mark during a film in one of his classes, John's hands begin to glow and burn brightly, similarly to the glow on his leg in the ocean, and he sweats profusely. He runs from the classroom and in to a janitorial closet, where he soaks his hands in water to calm the burning. Henri, alerted by a Loric box that he's kept, comes to John and explains that the glowing is the awakening of John's "legacies". As these powers grow, John will become much more powerful but, in order to maintain a low profile, Henri forbids John from using these powers. John disobeys, sneaks out of his house, and goes to a nearby forest where he finds he is able to throw large rocks at supersonic speeds, run faster than he ever could before, and survive long falls with ease.

Later that night, John goes out in to the town to walk around for a bit and runs in to Sarah. He confronts her about the pictures that he found on her website and she admits to being an avid photographer. As they're walking together, they see Sam across the street being yelled at as he walks towards a car. Sarah reveals that it's actually his step-father. They finish walking the rest of the way to Sarah's house, where she invites him in for dinner with her family. Her parents, though a bit nosy, seem to like John and suggest that he and Sarah go to the carnival together. After dinner, John and Sarah head up to her room. She shows John a small bit of her collection of her favorite photos that she's taken. John finds a scrapbook of personal photos that Sarah's taken of herself along with things she's written but she takes it back before he can read too much of it. Bernie Kosar shows up outside of Sarah's house, barking loudly, and he gets up to leave. Sarah gives him a camera of her own for him to keep and they nearly kiss but John leaves quickly because of Bernie Kosar's constant barking.

The following day at school, Sam asks about the lights in class but John passes it off as a prank with some flashlights. As Sam is warning John to stay away from Sarah, their lockers explode with pink paint placed by Mark. John's hands begin to glow again but he's able to hide it by clenching his fists, as he narrowly avoids getting into a fight with Mark. While John and Sam are cleaning up in the bathroom, Sam tells John about how he and his father used to go looking for aliens, though his father suddenly disappeared one day.

During the Spring Fair, Sarah explains to John that she and Mark used to date. She talked about how she had "refused to be his personal cheerleader" and instead wanted to be a photographer. Mark had told her that she was being snobby and convinced the entire school that she was crazy. John and Sarah go on a haunted wagon ride through the woods. When they get off, Mark's friends tackle John and begin to beat him while one brings Sarah to Mark. John, however, he uses his legacies to fend them off and rescue Sarah. Sam witnesses John's use of his legacies and John reveals his true origins to Sam. The next day, Mark's father, the local sheriff, interrogates Henri on John's whereabouts when his son and his friends were attacked, where John says he wasn't paying any attention to Mark, since he was with a girl.

Henri tells John that too many people are suspicious of them, so they have to leave. John refuses because he doesn't want to leave Sarah. Meanwhile, the Mogadorians continue searching for John, while being trailed by another of the Garde, Number Six (Teresa Palmer) who is also trying to locate Number Four. Number Six's guardian was killed, and she realizes that the remaining six of the Loric Garde will have to team up and fight against the Mogadorians. She knows Number Three is dead and that Number Four is being hunted.

The Mogadorians eventually locate John and manipulate two conspiracy theorists into capturing Henri. When John and Sam go to rescue him, they are attacked, but manage to fend the Mogadorians off. Just before escaping, John and Sam grab Henri's knife and a Loric artifact; a blue rock that acts as the first half of a tracking device that locates other Loric children. As John, Henri, and Sam begin to drive away in Sam's truck, Henri is stabbed through the chest while trying to protect John from a Mogadorian who jumped on the hood of the truck. John throws the Mogadorian from the truck with his telekinesis and they drive away. Henri later dies in John's arms after telling him to find the remaining children, as their combined powers would be enough to stop the Mogadorians. Sam reveals to John that he has another rock, very similar to the one found with the conspiracy theorists, that his father had found while searching for aliens in Mexico.

While Sam searches for it in his house, John tries to say goodbye to Sarah at a party. Mark sees John and calls his father, who corners John and Sarah on the roof of the house that the party is being thrown at. As Sarah stands up, she slips from the roof. John saves Sarah from a fall with his telekinesis, revealing his powers in the process, and they escape to their high school.
Meanwhile, the Commander arrives in Paradise in a convoy of trucks. He confronts Mark and his father. After injuring the sheriff, the Commander forces Mark to lead him to where John is hiding. Mark takes him to the school, which he knows is Sarah's hideout.

There, John, Sarah and Sam are attacked by the Mogadorians, who brought two giant monsters to hunt the trio. They are saved by Number Six and Bernie Kosar. Number Six reveals that Bernie Kosar is a Chimera and can shapeshift and was sent by John's biological parents to protect him. John and Number Six fight the Mogadorians using their powers; Number Six uses her invisibility powers and John blocks energy attacks with telekinesis. Meanwhile, Bernie Kosar, now in his true chimera form, fights one of the Mogadorians' monsters in the schools showers. While he's able to defeat the monster, he appears to be mortally wounded, as he lies down, bloodied and panting, in the water. Eventually, having ended up on the school's football stadium, John and Number Six defeat all of the Mogadorians, including the Commander, who dies in a large explosion. John survives this explosion when Number Six stands between him in the blast, revealing her ability to resist fire.

The following day, Number Six unites John's and Sam's blue rocks and discover the location of the other four surviving Garde. John allows Sam to come with them with the hope of one day finding Sam's father. They set off to find the others so they can all protect Earth from the Mogadorians. They leave behind Sarah and a repentant Mark, who lies to his father about John's whereabouts and returns the box left to John by his dad that was in police evidence. Before leaving, John promises to return to Paradise one day and kisses Sarah one last time. Just before getting in to Sam's truck, Bernie Kosar, with a visibly injured paw, limps up to John. Besides his paw, he seems to be alright.

The final shot shows John, Sam, and Bernie Kosar together in Sam's truck, being led by Number Six on her motorcycle to where ever the next of the Loric Garde may be.

Hah... best kan? Owang suka sangat tengok Number 6/Teresa Palmer. Muka dia sama pulak dengan Kristen Stewart. Tak caye? Tengok nie....
Kristen Stewart, Breaking Dawn Part 2, London, 2012 (crop).jpg
Kristen Stewart
Teresa Palmer

Kuasa Allah SWT. 
Sambungan I Am Number 4.

Anneyo! Do come again. XoXo

Bayi #Suka!


Argh! Malam nie gila rindu kat adik sepupu owang yang muka dia macam SinChan/Naufal. Eeeee, sukanya. Comel... comel sgt. Suka sangat peluk baby, cium baby. Baby sangat laa wangi, kan Fathirah? Hahaha... Tak sabar nak balik Langkawi. Nak jumpa baby. Kalau kat sabak nie, nampak je orang pegang bayi, teringin je nak mintak dukung kejap. Tapi takut... takut si keluarga tak percayakan owang. Gila apa... tak kenal, tiba-tiba mintak nak dukung. Kalau owang pun, owang susah nak bagi. Bernilai kot bayi nie. Comel! Bayi je yang comel... orang tua yang buat-buat comel 20-an ke atas tue, jgn over k.
Nanti bila ada anak sendiri, bestnya. Owang dah masuk 20-an dah... sapa xnak anak. Owang selalu berangan nak anak je, kahwin tak pun. Bayi comel... suka pegang diaowg. Kulit diaowg mulus je. Kalau menangis pun comel. Lucu bila nak membesar. Tak lama lagi kakak owang nak lahirkan baby dia. Bulan empat nanti... semoga Allah SWT permudahkan urusan dia. Alhamdulilah Ya Allah. Rezeki... tak sabarnya. Anak sendiri lagi tak sabar. Tapi... owang bukan ditakdirkan kahwin cepat. Calon langsung tak ada. Tak apa, tak penting pun.

Ini bayi omputih. Arhh, tak kisah laa bayi sape pon. Asal bayi mesti laa comel. Bayi tak ada dosa, jadi kepada ibu yang membuang bayi tue, sedar sikit... bukan sikit. Sedar banyak... Ya Allah manusia yang buang bayi tue berhati apa Ya Allah. Allahuakhbar! Diaorang tak hargai. Susah nak dapatkan bayi.

In Shaa Allah, ada rezeki nanti... mesti owang dapat jugak bayi nie. Hihihi... teringin.

Teringin nak mandikan bayi, nak hias dyowang. huhuhu...

Sapa tak nak bayi kembar kan? Semua orang berharap sangat. In Shaa Allah... berdoa banyak-banyak. Allah Maha Mendengar.


Anneyo! Do come again. XoXo

Menyampah! #grrrr


Hari nie pergi kelas memang sakit hati gila doe! Semalam ada dia tue post kt fb suruh pakai baju korporat. Okay, owang and the gang pakai... pergi ke kelas hari nie nampak pulak ada yang tercicir tak pakai. Dah tak jadi tue bagi tau je laa. Tak ada mulut ke? Dah laa owang nak present. Kalau boleh nak pakai baju kurung. Ada y tak nak bagi kerjasama. Seriously, menyirap darah owang nie. **** betoii! Owang paling benci dgn org yang tak boleh bagi kerjasama!


Anneyo! Do come again. XoXo

Jodoh Adalah Perancangan Allah SWT

KISAH BENAR - ada seorang lelaki ni... dia minat kat seorang wanita nie... tetapi dia tak upaya nak luahkan perasaan dia... lelaki itu berdoa dan buat solat istikarah selama dua tahun... lepas dua tahun baru lelaki itu ada keberanian untuk meluahkan... sebenarnya dlm tempoh 2 tahun lelaki tu tak ada keyakinan untuk meluahkan perasaan dia... lamaran lelaki itu diterima... hikmahnya dlm tempoh 2 tahun lelaki itu tak ada keyakinan... sebenarnya perempuan itu ada pilihan hati sendiri... semasa lelaki itu ada keyakinan untuk meluahkan... rupa-rupanya perempuan itu telah putus dgn pilihan dia... Kalau la dia berterus terang awal msti dye dah kena reject... sbb perempuan tu ada org lain... Allah tahu bila masa sesuai untuk kita, kita hanya mmpu berdoa dan merancang... mungkin bila tiba masanya Allah akan permudahkan... Jadi, banyaklah berdoa, hanya Allah SWT Maha Mengetahui. Owang nak jodoh yang baik. Yang terima owang seadanya.

Anneyo! Do come again. XoXo

Heaven #Ailee

Heee... jatuh hati kat lagu Ailee laa. Tajuk lagu Heaven. Cuba laa dengar. Best...

niga inneun gosei nado hamkke halke..
niga ganeun gose nado hamkke kalke..

neol wiihaeseo mae-il utko neol wiihaeseo gidoha-go..
ni saengga-ge jamdeul-ko neol bureumyeo nuneul tteo..
nae yeopeseo jikyeoju-go nae yeopeseo kamssajuneun..
neon naye cheonkuginkeol..

You're my only one way..
ojik neoreul wonhae nae-ga ni gyeote isseume kamsahae..
You're the only one babe..
himdeun sesang so-ge sarangeural-ke haejun neo hanaro naneun haengbo-khae..
Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven x2
uri hamkkeramyeon we will never cry never never cry..

Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven x2
yeongwonhi du-riseo never gonna be alone..

ni pumeseo sumeul shwiigo ni pumeseo immajchu-go..
ni moksoril deu-reumyeon kkum kkuneun geot man gata..
ni nuneseo al su isseo ni sarangeural su isseo..
neon naye cheonkuginkeol..

You're my only one way..
ojing neoreul wonhae nae-ga ni gyeote isseume kamsahae..
You're the only one babe..
himdeun sesang so-ge sarangeural-ke haejun neo hanaro naneun haengbo-khae..

Heaven namani saram keurae nareul jikyeojul saram..
eotteon- seulpeumdo eotteon- apeumdo neowah hamkke handamyeon..
eoneu nu-gudo nan bureob-ji anha.. tteollineun du soneul jabajwo
nae-ga saneun iyu neonikka..

You're my only one way..
ojing neoreul wonhae nae-ga ni gyeote isseume kamsahae..
You're the only one babe..
himdeun sesang so-ge sarangeural-ke haejun neo hanaro naneun haengbo-khae..

Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven x2
uri hamkkeramyeon we will never cry never never cry..
Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven x2
yeongwonhi du-riseo never gonna be alone..
so alone, oh.

English Translation:

Where you are, I will be there too
Where you go, I will go there too

I smile for you every day, I pray for you
With thoughts of you, I fall asleep I open my eyes as I call for you
You protect me by my side and you embrace me
You are my heaven

* You're my only one way
Only for you I am thankful that I am next to you
You're the only one babe
You taught me love in this harsh world I am happy with you alone

Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven x2
If we're together we will never cry never never cry
Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven x2
Forever, together never gonna be alone

I breathe in your arms, we kiss in your arms
When I hear your voice, it feels like I'm dreaming
I can tell from your eyes, I can tell about your love
You are my heaven

* You're my only one way
Only for you I am thankful that I am next to you
You're the only one babe
You taught me love in this harsh world I am happy with you alone
Heaven my only person, yes the person who will protect me
Any sadness, any pain if only I'm with you
I'm not jealous of anyone else hold my two trembling hands
Because the reason I live is you

* You're my only one way
Only for you I am thankful that I am next to you
You're the only one babe
You taught me love in this harsh world I am happy with you alone

Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven x2
If we're together we will never cry never never cry
Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven x2
Forever, together never gonna be alone
Oh, so alone

Anneyo! Do come again. XoXo

Sambal Tok Napi #3XL Pedas OOOOooo

Hari nie tak ada kelas, esok ada pulak... jam 8 pagi, Sales and Marketing. Esok turn owang present... huhu. Esok jugak laa En Sahir nak buat test. Okay, buat yang terbaik. Tak baik mengeluh... bangun pagi tadi terus masak asam pedas ikan tongkol. Hahaha, makan dengan sambal tok napi, nasi je. Apa itu sambal tok napi? Sambal tok napi tue dibuat daripada cili api yang sangat banyak, dan bawang merah. Memang pedas gila. Cara masak dia selepas blend bahan-bahan tue terus tumis dengan minyak. Masak sampai laa sambal tue kering/berminyak. Memang kaww pedas dia... cuba laa. Makan, gaul dengan nasi... memang umpph! Tapi bg yang tak suka pedas tue jangan cuba ... le x hujung lidah je, dah rasa pedasnya! Owang suka sangat... sambal nie boleh simpan berhari-hari... sebulan pun boleh tahan. Simpan je kat suhu bilik.

#Dengar cerita, Rain dan Kim Woo Bin join Running Man kat Australia nanti... weeeeee, sukanya! Tak sabar nak tengok WooBin! JongSuk tak payah join laa... bagi laa peluang kat WooBin pulak. ~waiting~ =>

Anneyo! Do come again. XoXo

Live Our Life with No Regrets


Anneyo! Do come again. XoXo

Good Night #esok test Law

Esok test Law doe... dah baca tadi. Tapi tak tau laa bangun esok pagi ingat ke tak? Agency Law dan Negligence... huhuhhu, pecah kepala otak nak ingat. Tak masuk Sales lagi... tadi tengok video hari jadi yang owang buat untuk kawan owang nanti. Tak sabar nak bagi kat dia... buat masa nie itu je yang owang mampu bagi ke dia... pokaiawal sangat sampaikan tak sempat nak belikan dia hadiah. Fadzilah, hopefully kau sudi terima hadiah aku yang tak seberapa nie... hahaha, nak tidur dah. Esok kelas jam 9 pagi. Good Night semua, jika berada dalam kesusahan, mohonlah kepada Allah swt.


Anneyo! Do come again. XoXo

Kelas cancel lagi~~ #Exo Time

Hari nie pergi poli macam biasa. Ingatkan kelas macam biasa... dalam perjalanan nak masuk ke kelas, berselisih dengan lecturer yang nak ajar tue, nasib baik tegur... 'Tak ada kelas, saya nak bawa isteri saya pergi klinik. Biasa laa, pregnant.' Itu katanya, bengan jugak tapi sikit je... suka? Tak jugak... tak apa laa kalau macam tue. Balik dengan perasaan bercampur aduk. Fuhh~~ Pergi makan, terbanyak pulak ambil makanan tuhh, macam dua orang makan... sekarang nie feeling sleepy sangat. Nak kne tidur ke nie? Urgh! Bosan kan hidup macam nie? Nak aktiviti untuk isi masa lapang, tak suka duduk saja sebenarnya.

Tao - Muka dia nie garang...

Xiumin - mesti dia nie majoriti kata dia paling tak handsome. Cute je tengok budakx nie...

Suka tengok BaekHyun dengan Chen... still x dapat bezakan diaorg dua...
Chen, suka tengok dia senyum...

D.O sentiasa nampak cool... handsome!

Dia nie comel 100%...

Suara dia best...

Sekali tengok macam Taecyeon... berkali-kali tengok riak muka macam Siwon.

Blur rupanya Kris nie...

No komen... tp mmg cute, suka tengok mata dia. Yehet!

Yang ini owang tak boleh nak suka...

Lay! Daebak!
Annyeo! Saranghae...

Anneyo! Do come again. XoXo

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